
Having trouble? Look here for answers. Or feel free to send us an email at

Help, I signed in to my account and it looks empty. Where are all the pages and folders I created?

Don't worry the information you created is still there. You most likely created a new account by accident. And all of the pages and folders you created were under a different account. On the "SIGN UP | LOG IN" screen be sure to select "LOG IN" and log in with the method you used to create your Outlinx pages and folders. If you can't remember you can email us at and we can help you track down the account you're looking for.

(This actually happens pretty often, and I blame the UI for the SIGN UP | LOG IN screen. Sorry that's our fault. We'll fix it next time there's an opportunity.)

I created a new account but never received the confirmation email.

Please send an email to from the email you used to create the account. We can activate it for you. Sorry, these emails can sometimes get blocked by your email servers.

I accidentally created multiple accounts, and I want to move all of my pages and folders to one account.

No problem we can help. Please send an email to and let us know the pages you'd like to move, and the account you'd like to move them to. Unfortunately, for now we can't move entire folders.

How do I change the name of a folder? Or delete a folder?

On the Folders screen you can swipe left on a folder to access the folder menu buttons. Tap the blue button to rename a folder. Or tap the red button to delete a folder.

Last updated